Apr 302015

Picture by Claire Gains
Artist: Claire Gains

Dougal’s studio, depleted group, end of June

It is good to be a stick-woman again. My belly completely flat. Concave, in fact. Like the skinny-girl cover image for ‘Melanie Alone’ that the publisher finally chose.

‘Was a nice surprise to see you last week Suki. Well you know what I mean. Not a nice occasion, but nice that such a lot of folk showed up for Rowan.’

I don’t ever answer when I’m in pose. Just do a faint smile.

‘Aye, that was a good wake on the towpath. Fancy managing to fit a marquee onto a towpath.’

Why do artists top themselves?

On the way home I cry a bit, but when I arrive I find on the doormat a small package. My first copy of my novel!!!

‘TIFF! You up there?’


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