Dec 042014
The dark months
Eat, jog it off. Eat, jog it off.
I feel bloated. Maybe because I have eaten seven apples. I often eat seven apples, though, without getting this melon belly.
Tonight’s drawings make me look obese. I must start jogging in the evening as well as the morning. But February is still so dark so early.
The best models are skin and bone, aren’t they?
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Seven apples in one go? I can’t adam n eve it!
I’m a cider barrel. They’re fermenting in there. I look massive.
Listen up, Suki! You get a proper dinner down you! A layer of flesh won’t undermine your loose, elegant frame. We’ll still be able to drape it, twist it, tie it in knots and read its bone map despite our dimming sectegenarian vision.
And what’s more – and I do apologise to readers with delicate sensibilities, but THIS IS YORKSHIRE: all that fruit you’re troughin’ down can lead to explosive runs… Most inconvenient for a life-model and for the elderly who just can’t cope with frequent model breaks. Wakes them up.
However, let’s have a more positive spin on this topic of ‘runs’; namely, the imminent art show due in West Yorkshire (UK) at the famous Academy Studio at Redbrick Mill, 218 Bradford Road, Batley, WF17 6JF (Jack Lane car park entrance), home to famed artists Tom Wood, Tony Noble and their community of northern talent. Welcome to RUNNING WITH RHUBARB (2014), the work of the Academy Wednesday Group, on Saturday December 13th (10-4pm) and Sunday 14th (10-3pm, reception at 11am) 2014. See poster here. More info:
This is an exhibition which can only be described as a love-declaration in paintings to our gorgeous county of Yorkshire, her idiosyncrasies and mysteries. No touristy blandscapes with cross-eyed sheep and psychedelic green fells, nor “this is a fiercely purple uber-dramatic moor” kind of stuff. Instead, the work on show is highly perceptive and original as well as being aesthetically pleasing.
Thank you ‘Loizart‘for distracting the world from my lumpen form and on to the finer things – Yorkshire Yorkshire uber alles. I wish I could get to this exhibition in one of my most favourite work-places ( I mean other than my writing desk in my apartment) – a rare example of a studio in a converted mill that isn’t nightmarishly freezing to model in.
To members of my international readership who wish to buy Top Art: nearest airport to Redbrick Mill is Leeds-Bradford. Be there or be square. I hear there’ll be bucks fizz and cake on Sun.
I try to go swimming every/other day
Thanks for the keep-fit suggestion, Solitary Person, but that would mean cycling home with one’s hair wet, which is a miserable idea when it is still freezing February.
Clarificatory note from Admin: it is a bleak British February in Suki-land, some time in the early 21st century. ‘Loizart’ and her exhibition (see earlier comment) are in a time-warp.