Feb 122015
Sculpted in clay (2)
They are far more beautiful than my real feet.
In the middle of the night I go on my netbook. The markers mean Edwards Syndrome. They are born dead or they just live for a few hours.
In this tragedy there is the mercy of merciless definiteness (as opposed to, say, ‘moderate to severe mental handicap’)…
They are not more beautiful than your real feet. But they are poignant.
Hi Suki, this must be a very difficult time for you. I feel for you. Love, Ilka
Take heart, Suki.
Nature smiles and winks at you, really. Poets get to experience a level of intensity, joy and satisfaction that is denied to the vast majority of us poor mortals. So be aware of the gift you have. It’s precious and rare – and will help you move on.
P.S. I did not receive an email alert to pages 39 and this one, so I’ve had to scroll forward from page 38 (which I’d saved) to get here. It appears you have either accidentally – or intentionally 🙁 unsubscribed me, or maybe it’s due to techno snags. It’s not a problem, but just thought you should know in case some other readers have also been affected.
Thank you Loizart for your kind words to Suki, which we have passed on.
Loizart, please check your spam box! It’s possible your email account-provider has decided that Suki’s weekly e-circular (the one alerting subscribers to the latest post) is “spam”.
Other than that, we are stumped as to what the problem might be…